Micro Vibe

My Micro Hobby Projects

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Micro Vibe

Early release of ForthTerm version 3.0 2020-07-01


This article contains links to download an early release of version 3.0 of the ForthTerm terminal program. ForthTerm version 3.0 should run on all newer version of windows (win7, win8, win8.1, win10). ForthTerm version 3.0 is available for both win32 and win64 based systems. Until there is a stable release I will update this article with the most recent versions.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 01 July 2020 09:08

Sixth Release of MV4th16 version 0.94b (Newest)


This download is for MV4th16 version 0.94b, sixth release. This is a cleanup build of the changes added in the version 0.94 build. I have included an update to the spinneret W5100 sample project found in the "Prebuilt" folder. The monochrome two pin TV  driver can now be used to display up to 80 columns and 28 rows using an 80Mhz system clock.

Last Updated on Sunday, 09 December 2018 09:45

Using The Forth Block Device To Load and Execute Code


This article is intended as a primer on using the Forth block device words to load and execute Forth source code under your programs control. This article may contain example code that can be used on other Forth systems however the examples are specific to MV4th16 Forth. The article first explains the main Forth words used to load Forth source code from the block device. Next we include examples showing how a Forth system can dynamically load and unload Forth words. 

Last Updated on Monday, 24 November 2014 05:16

Example of using TCP with W5100


This article contains examples on using the WIZnet W5100 Ethernet controller to provide TCP communications for MV4th16. The examples include; support for a TCP console for MV4th16, a simple TCP terminal, a TCP terminal server, and a simple WEB server example. The examples are configured for the Parallax Spinneret board.  The Spinneret board contains a Parallax Propeller chip, WIZnet W5100 Ethernet device, Epson RTC with large backup capacitor for date/time retention, and a Micro SD card slot. The examples make heavy used of the LOAD and THRU forth words to allow each of the examples to be loaded from the Forth block device, executed then unloaded from the limited system RAM memory. These examples apply to MV4th16 version 0.94b and higher. The example project can be found in the "Forth\PerBuilt" folder in the latest version of the MV4th16 project.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 12 August 2015 13:13

Fifth Release of MV4th16 version 0.94

This download is for MV4th16 version 0.94, fifth release. There are a number of changes to the project since version 0.93. Most significantly; optional SD-Card support for Forth block device,  Forth words implemented in secondary COGS that use the COG-EX Forth word runs up to 50% faster, a complete rewrite of Forth block words, EEPROM block read speed using an I2C bit rate of 1Mbps is now over 100,000 Bps, and improved I2C support that includes setting the I2C buss bit rate from 10Kbs to 1Mbs.
Last Updated on Monday, 20 July 2015 11:29
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