Micro Vibe

My Micro Hobby Projects

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Home CPM 80 Related Links
General CPM info sites

Offsite links related to the CPM operating system

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# Web Link Hits
1   Link   Thomas Scherrer Z80-Family HomePage
Links to Z80 and CPM related information. A quote from the site says;
"The purpose of this page and its sub pages about members of Z80 family (and close relatives) is to collect and share information and good ideas. I know there are lots of people out there, who have developed some good utilities and hardware solutions. Now we all can share this infomation."
2   Link   Z80.eu
Vintage computer (CPM, Atari, Commadore...) info and downloads. As the site owner says;
"Some information about several different, non interrelated computers and programs offered here."
3   Link   Peter Rlee' CP/M files archive.
This site is devoted to what is (again) my hobby, the thing that get my time when i don't have to work or stay with my family: Z80 and other "old" fun stuffs.
4   Link   Z80pack
Z80pack - Z80 Emulator and Crossassembler for UNIX