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Home PropTerm Documents Keyboard Codes

Keyboard Codes



This article outlines the keyboard codes sent by the PropTerm terminal to the host. The keyboard driver expects a standard PS2 Windows keyboard.

There are a small number of keys that directly generate ANSI control characters. These key do not have Ctrl or Alt versions. The table below shows the control code generating keys along with there generated codes.

NOTE: (*) The code returned by the un-shifted enter key is controled by the "Enter Key" setting in the PropTerm setup dialog. If the "Enter Key" setting is set to "CR" a single code 13 will be sent. If the setting is set to "CR+LF" two codes will be sent ,code 13 and code 10.


PropTerm Control Keys
Key Code Shift
Backspace 8 127
Tab 9

* Enter

13 (13 + 10) 10
Esc 27


The table below shows the keyboard codes sent for normal ANSI keys. It is possible to generate all 8 bit values except 127 and 255 using the ANSI character keys in combination with the Ctrl and Alt keys.

PropTerm Keyboard Codes
Char Code Ctrl Alt Ctrl+Alt
space 32 160
! 33 161
" 34 162
# 35 163
$ 36 164
% 37 165
` 38 166
& 39 167
( 40 168
) 41 169
* 42 170
+ 43 171
' 44 172
- 45 173
. 46 174
/ 47 175
0 48 176
1 49 177
2 50 178
3 51 179
4 52 180
5 53 181
6 54 182
7 55 183
8 56 184
9 57 185
: 58 186
; 59 187
< 60 188
= 61 189
> 62 190
? 63 191
@ 64 0 192 128
A 65 1 193 129
B 66 2 194 130
C 67 3 195 131
D 68 4 196 132
E 69 5 197 133
F 70 6 198 134
G 71 7 199 135
H 72 8 200 136
I 73 9 201 137
J 74 10 202 138
K 75 11 203 139
L 76 12 204 140
M 77 13 205 141
N 78 14 206 142
O 79 15 207 143
P 80 16 208 144
Q 81 17 209 145
R 82 18 210 146
S 83 19 211 147
T 84 20 212 148
U 85 21 213 149
V 86 22 214 150
W 87 23 215 151
X 88 24 216 152
Y 89 25 217 153
Z 90 26 218 154
[ 91 27 219 155
\ 92 28 220 156
] 93 29 221 157
^ 94 30 222 158
_ 95 31 223 159
` 96 224
a 97 1 225 129
b 98 2 226 130
c 99 3 227 131
d 100 4 228 132
e 101 5 229 133
f 102 6 230 134
g 103 7 231 135
h 104 8 232 136
i 105 9 233 137
j 106 10 234 138
k 107 11 235 139
l 108 12 236 140
m 109 13 237 141
n 110 14 238 142
o 111 15 239 143
p 112 16 240 144
q 113 17 241 145
r 114 18 242 146
s 115 19 243 147
t 116 20 244 148
u 117 21 245 149
v 118 22 246 150
w 119 23 247 151
x 120 24 248 152
y 121 25 249 153
z 122 26 250 154
{ 123 251
| 124 252
} 125 253
~ 126 254


The table below shows the keyboard codes sent for function and specialty keys.When a function or specialty key is pressed at the terminal keyboard the terminal will first send the function key prefix code(s) followed by a printableANSI character. The function key prefix can be set to one of two possible prefix codes in the terminal setup dialog. The first setting "Esc O" (chars 27,79) is used for 7 bit systems. The second function key prefix code character 143 can only be used for 8 bit communications.

NOTE:(*) The four arrow keys can be set to operate in one of two modes. When the terminal setup dialog cursor key setting is configure for "ANSI" the cursor keys return the ANSI escape sequence for cursor UP, Down, Right and Left. (see Cursor Control Article) In "ANSI" mode the cursor keys ignore the Ctrl and Alt keys.When the cursor keys are set to "FUNC" the cursor keys generate a function key prefix followed by the code listed in the table below.


PropTermFunction KeyCodes
Key Code Ctrl Alt Ctrl+Alt
* Up Arrow A (65) a (97) 193 225
* Down Arrow B (66) b (98) 194 226
* Right Arrow C (67) c (99) 195 227
* Left Arrow D (68) d (100) 196 228
Insert E (69) e (101) 197 229
Delete F (70) f (102) 198 230
Home G (71) g (103) 199 231
End H (72) h (104) 200 232
Page Up I (73) i (105) 201 233
Page Down J (74) j (106) 202 234
F1 P (80) p (112) 208 240
F2 Q (81) q (113) 209 241
F3 R (82) r (114) 210 242
F4 S (83) s (115) 211 243
F5 T (84) t (116) 212 244
F6 U (85) u (117) 213 245
F7 V (86) v (118) 214 246
F8 W (87) w (119) 215 247
F9 X (88) x (120) 216 248
F10 Y (89) y (121) 217 249
F11 Z (90) z (122) 218 250
F12 [ (91) { (123) 219 251


Last Updated on Friday, 27 March 2009 07:41