Font Control

Friday, 20 February 2009 15:59 administrator

The font control commands are unique to PropTerm and are not standard ANSI control sequences.  The font control commands can be used to upload a font glyph, reload the default font and select one of three custom fonts. The font control sequences use the left brace character "{" as there escape code. The left brace was a reserved escape code in the ANSI terminal codes as such was not used by standard ANSI control sequences.

The terminal's custom fonts can be used to save uploaded fonts. There is no ANSI control sequence to save the current font in terminal memory. The only way to save the font is to use the PropTerm setup dialog (invoke with WIN-F12). In the setup if a custom font is selected in the PropTerm setup the option to save the terminal font memory will be enabled. Pressing the WIN-F3 combination will copy the current terminal font table from memory and save it to the EEprom device. For more information related to the PropTerm setup dialog see the Using PropTerm article.

For more information about the general syntax of the PropTerm ANSI control sequences see the ANSI Protocol page

The symbol "CSI" will be used to indicate that either a seven bit or eight bit ANSI start sequence may be used.

The "n"symbol indicates a numeric parameter which is sent to the terminal as an ASCI decimal string.

Font Control Sequences

Load Default Font:  CSI ?0{  or  CSI ?{

The default font (font compiled into terminal software) is loaded from the EEprom to the font table in terminal memory. All characters currently displayed will take on the new font glyph patterns. Any font glyphs uploaded to the terminal will be replaced by there original pattern.

Load Custom Font 1:  CSI ?1{

The font pattern saved as custom font 1 in the terminal setup is loaded from the EEprom to the font table in terminal memory. All characters currently displayed will take on the new font glyph patterns. Any font glyphs uploaded to the terminal will be replaced. If no font has been saved to custom font 1 then the default font is loaded.

Load Custom Font 2:  CSI ?2{

The font pattern saved as custom font 2 in the terminal setup is loaded from the EEprom to the font table in terminal memory. All characters currently displayed will take on the new font glyph patterns. Any font glyphs uploaded to the terminal will be replaced. If no font has been saved to custom font 2 then the default font is loaded.

Load Custom Font 3:  CSI ?3{

The font pattern saved as custom font 3 in the terminal setup is loaded from the EEprom to the font table in terminal memory. All characters currently displayed will take on the new font glyph patterns. Any font glyphs uploaded to the terminal will be replaced. If no font has been saved to custom font 3 then the default font is loaded.

Upload Font Glyph:  CSI ?4n;...;n{

The upload font glyph control sequence is used to change a single font glyph in the terminal's font table in memory. To revert back to a font's original glyph patterns one of the three font load control sequences is used or the terminal must be reset via a hardware reset.

The upload font glyph control sequence requires up to fourteen parameters. The first parameter is always 4. The second parameter is the font glyph index (0..255). The remaining twelve parameters are used to specify the actual glyph pattern. Each remaining parameter contains the binary pattern of one glyph scan line. PropTerm font glyphs are 8 pixels wide by 12 pixels heigh. It takes 12 parameters to fully describe a font glyph. If there are less then 12 remaining parameters the missing values are treated as zero. The first glyph data parameter is the top scan line of the font. The most significant bit of the parameter value is the left most bit of the font scan line.

Last Updated on Thursday, 26 March 2009 13:39