BDOS File Services

Thursday, 26 March 2009 07:36 Shael

The BDOS file services provide a user application with the ability to create and manage files stored on CPM disk devices. Many of the service functions relating to file service require the memory address of an FCB (File Control Block) structure. The following information was extracted from the Digital Research CPM2.2 manual.

Function 15: Open File
Entry C 0FH
DE FCB Address
Return A Directory Code

The Open File operation is used to activate a file that currently exists in the disk directory for the currently active user number. The FDOS scans the referenced disk directory for a match in positions 1 through 14 of the FCB referenced by DE (byte s1 is automatically zeroed) where an ASCII question mark (3FH) matches any directory character in any of these positions. Normally, no question marks are included, and bytes ex and s2 of the FCB are zero.

If a directory element is matched, the relevant directory information is copied into bytes d0 through dn of FCB, thus allowing access to the files through subsequent read and write operations. The user should note that an existing file must not be accessed until a successful open operation is completed. Upon return, the open function returns a directory code with the value 0 through 3 if the open was successful or 0FFH (255 decimal) if the file cannot be found. If question marks occur in the FCB, the first matching FCB is activated. Note that the current record, (cr) must be zeroed by the program if the file is to be accessed sequentially from the first record.

Function 16: Close File
Entry C 10H
DE FCB Address
Return A Directory Code

The Close File function performs the inverse of the Open File function. Given that the FCB addressed by DE has been previously activated through an open or make function, the close function permanently records the new FCB in the reference disk directory (see functions 15 and 22). The FCB matching process for the close is identical to the open function. The directory code returned for a successful close operation is 0, 1, 2, or 3, while a 0FFH (255 decimal) is returned if the filename cannot be found in the directory. A file need not be closed if only read operations have taken place. If write operations have occurred, the close operation is necessary to record the new directory information permanently.

Function 17: Search for First
Entry C 11H
DE FCB Address
Return A Directory Code

Search First scans the directory for a match with the file given by the FCB addressed by DE. The value 255 (hexadecimal FF) is returned if the file is not found; otherwise, 0, 1, 2, or 3 is returned indicating the file is present. When the file is found, the current DMA address is filled with the record containing the directory entry, and the relative starting position is A * 32 (that is, rotate the A register left 5 bits, or ADD A five times). Although not normally required for application programs, the directory information can be extracted from the buffer at this position.

An ASCII question mark (63 decimal, 3F hexadecimal) in any position from f1 through ex matches the corresponding field of any directory entry on the default or auto-selected disk drive. If the dr field contains an ASCII question mark, the auto disk select function is disabled and the default disk is searched, with the search function returning any matched entry, allocated or free, belonging to any user number. This latter function is not normally used by application programs, but it allows complete flexibility to scan all current directory values. If the dr field is not a question mark, the s2 byte is automatically zeroed.

Function 18: Search for Next
Entry C 12H
Return A Directory Code

The Search Next function is similar to the Search First function, except that the directory scan continues from the last matched entry. Similar to Function 17, Function 18 returns the decimal value 255 in A when no more directory items match.

Function 19: Delete File
Entry C 13H
DE FCB Address
Return A Directory Code

The Delete File function removes files that match the FCB addressed by DE. The filename and type may contain ambiguous references (that is, question marks in various positions), but the drive select code cannot be ambiguous, as in the Search and Search Next functions.

Function 19 returns a decimal 255 if the referenced file or files cannot be found; otherwise, a value in the range 0 to 3 returned.

Function 20: Read Sequential
Entry C 14H
DE FCB Address
Return A Directory Code

Given that the FCB addressed by DE has been activated through an Open or Makefunction, the Read Sequential function reads the next 128-byte record from the file into memory at the current DMA address. The record is read from position cr of the extent, and the cr field is automatically incremented to the next record position. If the cr field overflows, the next logical extent is automatically opened and the cr field is reset to zero in preparation for the next read operation. The value 00H is returned in the A register if the read operation was successful, while a nonzero value is returned if no data exist at the next record position (for example, end-of-file occurs).

Function 21: Write Sequential
Entry C 15H
DE FCB Address
Return A Directory Code

Given that the FCB addressed by DE has been activated through an Open or Makefunction, the Write Sequential function writes the 128-byte data record at the current DMA address to the file named by the FCB. The record is placed at position cr of the file, and the cr field is automatically incremented to the next record position. If the cr field overflows, the next logical extent is automatically opened and the cr field is reset to zero in preparation for the next write operation. Write operations can take place into an existing file, in which case newly written records overlay those that already exist in the file. Register A = 00H upon return from a successful write operation, while a nonzero value indicates an unsuccessful write caused by a full disk.

Function 22: Make File
Entry C 16H
DE FCB Address
Return A Directory Code

The Make File operation is similar to the OpenFile operation except that the FCB must name a file that does not exist in the currently referenced disk directory (that is, the one named explicitly by a nonzero dr code or the default disk if dr is zero). The FDOS creates the file and initializes both the directory and main memory value to an empty file. The programmer must ensure that no duplicate filenames occur, and a preceding delete operation is sufficient if there is any possibility of duplication. Upon return, register A = 0, 1, 2, or 3 if the operation was successful and 0FFH (255 decimal) if no more directory space is available. The Make function has the side effect of activating the FCB and thus a subsequent open is not necessary.

Function 23: Rename File
Entry C 17H
DE FCB Address
Return A Directory Code

The Rename function uses the FCB addressed by DE to change all occurrences of the file named in the first 16 bytes to the file named in the second 16 bytes. The drive code dr at position 0 is used to select the drive, while the drive code for the new filename at position 16 of the FCB is assumed to be zero. Upon return, register A is set to a value between 0 and 3 if the rename was successful and 0FFH (255 decimal) if the first filename could not be found in the directory scan.

Function 30: Set File Attributes
Entry C 1EH
DE FCB Address
Return A Directory Code

The Set File Attributes function allows programmatic manipulation of permanent indicators attached to files. In particular, the R/O and System attributes (t1' and t2') can be set or reset. The DE pair addresses an unambiguous filename with the appropriate attributes set or reset. Function 30 searches for a match and changes the matched directory entry to contain the selected indicators. Indicators f1' through f4' are not currently used, but may be useful for applications programs, since they are not involved in the matching process during file open and close operations. Indicators f5' through f8' and t3' are reserved for future system expansion.

Function 32: Set/Get User Code
Entry C 20H
E 0FFH (get) or
User Code (set)
Return A Current Code (get) or
(no value)

An application program can change or interrogate the currently active user number by calling Function 32. If register E = 0FFH, the value of the current user number is returned in register A, where the value is in the range of 0 to 15. If register E is not 0FFH, the current user number is changed to the value of E, modulo 16.

Last Updated on Friday, 06 November 2009 20:25